Entertainment On Ice Online Platform!
Fill out the survey for a chance to win the prize package!
Dear figure skating enthusiasts,
We have good news! Entertainment on Ice is coming up with an online figure skating community platform. For this platform, we would like to know what the figure skating enthusiast needs. To this end, we are now conducting a study. Because to measure is to know. The intention is for the platform to be useful for all sports within figure skating. Think: trainers, beginning figure skaters, advanced figure skaters, parents of figure skaters and so on.
At the time of Corona, we were able to experience the importance of “connecting” with each other. When we don’t see each other at the rink, we reach for online opportunities. Online opportunities do exist, they are just scattered across all different online platforms like Facebook, Instagram, YouTube etc.
We want to change that by creating an online community platform for figure skating enthusiasts nationwide. For figure skaters by figure skaters.
On this platform you can find each other, read news, follow contest results, attend webinars, watch online tutorials, you name it!!!
We are very curious as to what you would like to find on such a platform and that is why we are conducting this questionnaire. If you let us know what you would like to see or read on such a platform, we can make it in such a way that you will actually benefit from it.
Fill out the survey and win an Entertainment on ice prize pack!
(Filling it out takes max 5 minutes)
Thank you all! love, Team EOI
Click here for the Survey: